The aftermath of a car accident will likely be hectic and you may feel flustered. With such an intense situation, the fine details can be difficult to keep track of and remember after the fact. The likelihood that you’ll be involved in a car accident at some point in your life is almost guaranteed. This […]
Being involved in an accident is never fun. It can be emotionally taxing, not to mention the physical effects it has on your body. You’re never really prepared for an accident but there are some things you want to know and keep in mind in case of a car accident. For the average person, car […]
Unlike middle America, there’s no shortage of water recreation in the state of Florida. Whether fishing, boating, water skiing, wakeboarding, or any other boat related recreational activity you can imagine, the waters in and around Florida stay busy! From pirates to novice vacationers, the boating scene around Tampa carries a wide range of operator experience […]
If you’ve suffered injuries on the job, you may be interested in seeking Workers’ Compensation. Typically Workers’ Comp is utilized when you have suffered an injury on the job. It’s likely that your injuries may have resulted in spendy medical bills, lost wages, and potentially lifelong injuries that you’ll have to deal with for the […]
If you are not a lawyer, judge, or associated court professional, chances are you have no desire to be involved in a lawsuit or court case. Unfortunately, you may still find yourself there one day, whether for a personal injury case or another legal issue. Getting involved with the unfamiliar scene of lawyers, lawsuits, court […]
If you’ve recently been involved in an accident that resulted in injury, you may be asking yourself what to do now. In recent blogs, we’ve covered several topics relating to this concern, from detailing different types of injuries to settlement agreements and more. All of this information can be helpful, and we encourage you to […]
We always recommend working with an attorney as soon as possible after you or a family member has been involved in a serious accident. However, things don’t always work out as we would hope. After an accident, there are a lot of responsibilities to juggle and you may not get the chance to reflect and […]
When you begin your personal injury case journey toward compensation after an accident, you probably know that you’re in for a long road ahead. But one of the questions we find that is top of mind with our new clients is “How much should I ask for a personal injury settlement?” Before we dive into […]
Getting in an accident that leaves you hurt and out of work is scary for many reasons! There is a lot to handle, especially in a troubling time. How will you pay your bills? Will you have to take someone to court to conduct an extensive trial? There are several paths to reaching an agreement […]
Most people associate aggressive court battles with insurance companies with personal injury cases when considering hiring an injury lawyer. However it is more common that personal injury cases settle before a trial is ever needed. In other words, in most personal injury cases, litigation is never pursued and a lawsuit is never filed. These agreed-upon […]